Top 10 Study Habits

Study habits are critical to success in examinations. These habits will boost a person’s ability to learn, retain and recall information.

  1. Create Study Plan

Study planner will help children to keep everything organized. Each student should create an individualized study plan at the beginning of the academic year and allow enough time to prepare for the examinations. Assign topics and tasks for each day up to the date of exam.

2. Set Goals for Each Study Session

At the beginning of each week, determine what you want to achieve in each study session. Focus on accomplishing the goal.

3. Effective Time Management

Schedule time optimally for academic work as well as nonacademic activities like hobbies and exercise. Stick to the schedule correctly.

4. Positive Thinking

The student should learn to think positively while studying and while going to an exam. Positive thinking is an important part of exam stress management. Always be optimistic.

5. Select a Good Study Area

Create an environment that helps to improve concentration. The study area should be quiet and well-lit. The student should take strong decision that the study area will be made free of distractions, because distractions will prevent the child from concentrating in academic activities.

6. Develop Intrinsic Motivation to Learn

If the student develops intrinsic motivation, it will propel the child to pursue the academic activity, not for external rewards, because the learning process itself becomes enjoyable.

7. Be Attentive in Class (online or offline learning)

Take notes, ask questions and get involved in class discussions. This will make the classes more enriching and enjoyable.

8. Do the Home Assignments in the Best Way

By doing the home assignments, students gather more information and acquire deeper knowledge on the topics that are being taught in class. By doing the assignments in the best way, the academic skills of the students will increase and they learn self-discipline.

9. Review What You Learned Each Day

The child should develop the habit of reviewing the new information learned everyday, before the end of the day. This will help the student to retain maximum information.

10. Perseverance in Studying

The children having perseverance, will continue their study in spite of difficulties. They never give up until they achieve their goal. Perseverance is the key to success in every field of life.

Good Study Habits from the start of the academic year, will help children to smoothly adjust to new expectations and challenges in curriculum.

Experts in Child Guidance can provide individualized guidance for children to develop good study habits and excel in academics.