Important Social & Emotional Developmental Milestones (0 to 12 months)

Every parent should be given awareness regarding social and emotional developmental milestones, so that early interventions can be started in infancy itself whenever there is delay in acquiring these skills.

2 months – Social smile – baby smiles back when a person smiles to the baby.

3 months – Smile of recognition – baby recognizes the face of mother and smiles.

6 months – Enjoys watching own face in the mirror.

7 months – Resists if toy is pulled from the hand of the baby.

8 months – Anxiety on meeting strangers.

9 months – Waves bye-bye.

10 months – Joint attention skills emerge.

1 year – Mimics actions carried out by parents.

Experts in Child Guidance & developmental pediatrics can guide the parents for early interventions to improve the social and emotional skills of the kids during infancy.